Excitement About Scientology

Excitement About Scientology

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Scientology for Beginners

That his survival depends upon himself and upon his fellows, and his achievement of league with the World.(from Those Interested New Cults, by William J. Petersen) Exactly How, after that, can Scientology be assessed by biblical Christianity? Its primary presumption that man is generally good is not scriptural.

Second, Scientology's highest possible authority is not Jesus Christ or the Christian Bible however a scientific research fiction author called L. Ron Hubbard. In some ways, the Scientology company is uncomfortably comparable to Orwell's 1984 with Ron Hubbard as "Big Sibling." Third, to Scientology God is unimportant. Scientology alone is appropriate. Scientology. Whether God exists or otherwise is not an issue of concern.

Absolutely nothing is stated about the circumstances of the poor, the ill, the homeless and oppressed. Comparison that to scriptural Christianity which provides redemption without money and without price.

The 7-Minute Rule for Scientology

Guy's reason will generate ideal habits and for that reason fix all the issues of the human circumstance. (from The Obstacle of the Cults, by Maurice Burrell) Scientology: Although the Holy bible is used to boost up the sect's ideas, the resource of Scientology's viewpoint and innovation is Hubbard himself. Christianity: As the Word of God, the Bible is the benchmark versus which all cases (including those of Hubbard) have actually to be gauged.

Christianity: God is Trinity, Father, Kid and Holy Spirit, 3 Individuals within the unity of the Godhead. Scientology: Christ has no important or main location in the sect's mentors. Christianity: "God sent his Kid to be the Rescuer of the globe." Scientology: Man is primarily good, but "engrams" (emotional problems) avoid him from reaching his full possibility.

Christianity: Male needs to be saved from wrong and to be provided brand-new life. Both are offered from God with belief in Christ. Atack, Jon. 1990. A Piece of Blue Sky. Secaucus, New Jacket: Carol Posting Group. Burrell, Maurice. 1982. The Challenge of the Cults. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book Residence.

L. Ron Hubbard: Messiah or Madman. Bare Faced Messiah: The True Story of L. Ron Hubbard. Those Interested New Cults in the 80's.

The Facts About Scientology Uncovered

Created by L. Ron Hubbard in September 1965. A human being without madness, without criminals and without battle, where the able can succeed and straightforward beings can have legal rights, and where Male is complimentary to climb to better heights, are the goals of Scientology. First announced to an enturbulated globe in 1950, these objectives are well within the understanding of our technology.

We seek no transformation - Scientology. We look for just development to higher states of being for the read this article specific and for culture. We are achieving our goals. After endless millennia of lack of knowledge about himself, his mind and the universe, an advancement has been produced Male. Various other efforts Male has actually made have been surpassed.

We invite you to Scientology. Scientology is the most crucial motion on Earth today. In a rough world the job is not simple.

We appreciate you and believe you also can aid. Scientology does not owe its assistance. Guy presumes all deals of assistance.

Getting My Scientology To Work

We might err, for we develop a world with damaged straws. However we will never betray your confidence in us as long as you are just one of us. The sun never ever establishes on Scientology. And may a brand-new day dawn for you, for those you enjoy and for Man. Our aims are straightforward if excellent.

In words of L. Ron Hubbard himself, the objectives of Scientology are: "a civilization without insanity, without criminals and without battle, where the able can thrive, and straightforward beings can have legal rights, and where male is complimentary to rise to higher heights." (See What Is Scientology?) As the objective for the person, Scientology pursues the redemption of male, his spiritual liberation and the flexibility of the barriers which presence has been troubling him.

The look for obligation is the main roadway where Scientologists seek their freedom; responsibility which calls for bettering our try this website life and that of our fellow man before reaching superior goals. Objectives of such breadth might not be reached exclusively with pastoral job performed by the followers. Therefore, the Church of Scientology International produced different groups or organizations which execute social projects devoted to those functions.

For Scientologists, truth self is the spirit, the thetan, the eternal significance of each person. For millions and numerous years before this life, the thetan has actually existed and lived in various bodies. This procedure of carrying on and being born-again as a baby in a brand-new body, called reincarnation or rejuvenation in some eastern religious beliefs, occurs Your Domain Name as an all-natural and regular component of the universe.

The Buzz on Scientology

It would reverberate with the picture in the Bhagavadgita of passing away as comparable to somebody losing apparel (the body) and placing on brand-new garments (a new body). At the same time, it additionally varies in important respects from eastern concepts. There is no belief in fate nor is the thetan viewed as experiencing any kind of type of ethical judgment in between lives that has any role in identifying its following manifestation.

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